Porosity Detection Overview
Corrosion is an extremely costly and disruptive worldwide problem. The oxidation of metal (and concrete) surfaces, exposed by the breakdown or inadequacy of the applied protective coatings call for early detection to correct serious extension.
ReadDampness Measurement In Concrete Floors
Complex structures like buildings incorporate a number of porous materials like brick, plaster, mortar, timber and concrete. All these materials hold some water within them. This water is mobile and can be transported into the atmosphere and into adjoining materials.
ReadMoisture Measurement in Industrial Floors
Industrial floors are invariably based on poured and/or power floated concrete slabs that, whether newly laid or old screeds, require proper treatment to make then suitable for finishing and the application of floor coverings.
ReadPipeline Solutions
We supply precision instruments for pipeline inspection, helping you ensure the integrity of protective coatings.
ReadMarine Solutions
We supply a range of instruments to measure protective coatings applied to ships and other marine vessels.
ReadConstruction and Flooring Solutions
Our suite of products includes a range of precision instruments perfect for building surveyors and flooring contractors.
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